Does your work matter? – The impact of our research on society
- Every researcher is working harder and harder to perform the best possible research. From the pure research work from the PhD student to the never ending grant writing of Postdocs and Professors.
- But can this hard labour be felt in the world beyond our university? How can we improve the impact of our research on society as a whole? Does society even know what research is performed at the university? Can research be performed in coorperation with the academic world and the outside world?
- A group of experts share their views on our research can be more impactfull in academia and beyond our university or academic journals

Prof. Patrick De Baets - introduction
Dean of our faculty

Dr. Hetty Helsmoortel – moderator
Cancer researcher at Ghent University and experienced science communicator

Prof. An Verberckmoes
Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, specifically in the department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering

Dr. Wim Audenaert
Founder of AM-TEAM, a spin-off company from Ghent University offering advanced modelling services

Prof. Jeroen Dewulf
Professor at the department of obstetrics, reproduction and herd health at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Johan Bil
Senior Business developer at UGent Tech Transfer

Esther De Smet
Senior Research Policy advisor at Ghent University