Make Amazing Scientific Posters (by The Floor is Yours)


Communication Skills

Target Group

PhD students or other researchers. Aimed at beginners who are in their first two years but more experienced researchers can join as well


The researcher should be able make a poster in English using their preferred tool


Toon Verlinden from The Floor Is Yours


Researchers, especially beginner, are often asked to create and present posters, without ever having proper training or feedback on these posters. The research groups themselves often also lack the knowledge to help these researchers. During the FEARS 2020 event, researchers of the whole faculty have the opportunity to present their researchers as a poster. Before the event, researcher can attend this hands-on course to elevate the level of their poster.
You went about your poster presentation the wrong way. But it is too late, its printed and you find yourself amid a room with hundreds of posters and yours doesn’t exactly draw the attention. You are utterly bored standing next to it, twiddling your thumbs and pondering:

  • How could I’ve stood out amid hundreds of scientific posters just like mine?
  • How could I’ve gotten the most out of a battle it seems I just couldn’t win?
In this workshop we will show you how to build up a strong scientific poster, step by step. A poster that is clear, that is actually being read by your audience and that adds value for both you and your audience.

What we will cover amongst other things:
  • How to grab the attention? (Why should the audience listen to you?)
  • Telling your story in 1 minute
  • How to structure your poster?
  • Getting a lengthy paper on a compact poster
  • Examples of research posters
  • Where do you find professional images?
  • How to design a scientific poster
In this workshop we will look at posters from several of the participants. These examples are all the more relevant and will let us provide you with personalized feedback.

We learned from past experience that our participants are often excited to get started after having finished our poster workshop, but do still have questions. That is why we offer an additional feedback moment 1 week after the workshop. The first 15 people that send us their posters will receive a personal feedback video. No need to attend an extra session. You can simply view our feedback at a time that is convenient for you.


A full day of hands-on poster training:

  • Guidelines and frameworks for scientific posters are presented while the researchers can work on their poster
  • On the same day, Feedback is given to the researchers for their poster
  • At the end of the day all researchers have a highly professional scientific poster
  • At most 10 days later, 15 researchers can receive personalized feedback on video

Time shedule

  • Register for FEARS 2020 before 06/03
  • Attend the poster training
    • On 06/03 from 08:00-16:30 at Technology park, building 125, LesLokaal SYSTeMS, 2nd floor
    • At most 10 days later, 15 researchers can ask for extra feedback through skype
  • 02/04: Attend FEARS event

Registration Procedure

Registerhere for FEARS 2020 and select attendance for the poster training

Number of participants

At the most 30 students can attend the day training, and 15 can receive extra feedback on their poster.




8 hours + FEARS event

Evaluation Criteria

The researcher will receive the credit if he or she takes part in the poster training and present their poster during the FEARS2020 event.